Automatic Smart Charging FAQs for Tesla
- Why does my charge sometimes start and stop several times?
- What is Peak Avoidance?
- What do ‘Smart’ times mean and how is my ‘Smart’ times percentage calculated?
- Can I charge multiple vehicles on one home charging station in Automatic Smart Charging?
- Why does my charge sometimes start and stop?
- What is Low Battery Protection?
Automatic Smart Charging FAQs for Home Charging Stations
- How does Automatic Smart Charging work with my Home Charging Station?
- Which Chargers are eligible for Automatic Smart Charging?
- How does WeaveGrid Automatic Smart Charging interact with my Home Charging Station’s scheduling settings?
- When will Automatic Smart Charging begin with my Home Charging Station?
- Will participating In WeaveGrid drain my 12v battery?
- Can I cancel a smart schedule if needed?